
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Coming out of the Closet

I’ve heard the phrase “coming out of the closet” enough times with reference to people who are gay or lesbian. But I never thought it could be applied to others as well. I recently saw a TED talk by Ash Beckham, and it made me realize something.

We all have closets
We all have secrets
That we want to share
But are afraid to

Our fears
Our hopes
Our lives

But for some reason or the other
We don’t
We prefer to hide
Not because it’s better
But because it’s safer

But safer isn’t better
Nor is it always easier
Because in the long run
We want to be heard
We want to be seen
To be ourselves
To not pretend
To not apologize
To just be

We can spend
Our entire lives
Behind those doors
Peeping through a keyhole

When what we really want
Is to breathe
To walk
To live
The way we are

But I get it
Those doors are too heavy
It’s not easy
To push them from inside

So let me help you
Let me pull
From the other end
While you push
From inside

Whenever you’re ready
If you’re ready
Let’s do it now
On the count of three

Just this once
Open that door
Step out of the darkness
Show me who you really are
The face behind the mask
The hope behind the eyes
The person behind the closet

And just this once
Don’t care about the voices
Don’t care how they react
It doesn’t matter
Whether you’re met
By condescension or praise
By another mask or face

What matters
Is that you’re out
Is that you’re free

As she said
Rightly so

A closet
Is no place for a person
To truly live