
Monday, June 24, 2019

Bring in the 30s

In one of my old posts, I had once written that there’s something about sunsets, new years and birthdays that makes one quite reflective.

Well, I guess this is as good a time as any.

30 years. That’s how long it’s been. It feels surreal, just saying that out loud. Just like that, 30 years have gone. Okay, to be fair, it wasn’t ‘just like that’. They took their time, but that’s hardly a thought to complain about.

Looking back at these 30 years, there’s a big mix of emotions. There’s joy, sadness, regrets, satisfaction, and a whole lot else. But if I allow myself one anomaly in my usual range, it’s pride. Pride at the journey, pride at the person I’m becoming, pride at the person I continue to become.

To be honest, when I look back at the kind of person I was as a kid, I don’t feel as much pride. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a bad kid. I was (and still am) a fairly nice person. But I was also a fairly scared kid. Scared to do new things; to voice out my thoughts; to be different; to be myself. And the last 30 years really seem to be about the journey from being that scared kid to becoming a – well, a less scared adult. At least, an adult that’s lit more confident about the person I’ve become.

It almost sounds strange to say that one has to work at becoming themselves. But it really has seemed like it’s been a journey of understanding myself – understanding my likes and dislikes, and then working up the courage to actually put them forward. As a kid, I spent so much time trying to understand some of the rules of this world and society and to try (occasionally) to fit into them, that I didn’t really understand that there was an alternative.

Maybe that’s how it works. You get so busy trying everything, doing everything that everyone around you is doing, trying to be the person that everyone around you seems to be, or expects you to be, that you don’t really get to pause and think about what it is that you want. Maybe that’s a phase everyone has to go through to get through to the other side. Right now, I just feel like I’m looking at it from the other side, and all I can say is that I’m really glad to be on this side. 

Of course, life isn't 'sorted', but it's definitely clearer. I feel like I know myself so much better now than I did a few years ago. I feel so much clearer about the kind of person I am, the things I like, or don’t like, or the kind of person I want to continue to work towards becoming. I know that there are things I care about, like human rights and equality and choices and feminism and education and kindness and genuineness. I also know that there are things I don’t care about, or would like to not care about – like the kinds of clothes I’m expected to wear or how I’m expected to look or sit or walk. I’ve done the party scenes, and over time realized that at the end of the day, home and deep conversations are my comfort spaces (though can still go berserk when the song 'Taare Gin Gin' plays). And more than anything else, I’ve started to enjoy spending time with myself. There was a time when I hated being alone; but now I really look forward to some alone time. In the words of the new generation, I’ve gone from having a case of FoMo (Fear of Missing out) to JoMo (Joy of Missing out).

Someone once told me that after 30 is when life gets really good – you’ve passed the crazy kid phase, the angst teenage phase and the trying to check off big things in your 20s phase (I guess this is the point at which all you 30+ people smirk and say, ‘That’s what you think’). It’s not to say that life’s suddenly going to be smooth sailing, but if I get to look back at this journey several years from now and still feel a sense of pride, then that’s definitely something to look forward to.

So, I know turning 30 is supposed to be this massively scary thing (especially if you haven’t checked off all the so-called boxes of the 20s that serve as constant reminders on your Facebook and family newsfeed), but I’m kind of excited: excited by the idea of hopefully bringing in the big day with a kind of routine day, and ending it in the nearest pub, dressed in my favourite T-shirt and comfiest pyjamas, sitting cross-legged on the chair as I sip my drink with the family, comforted in the knowledge that I’ll be passed out at my regular hour.

Happy 30th :)

(Posting this a day early because if anyone knows anything at all about me, it's that midnight is not a time I'm awake at!)