
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Here's hoping the bug doesn't bite

It starts with a little disgruntlement,
Like a little itch
Too slight to fret
Yet not so small to ignore
Still, you try

And slowly it grows
It’s gnawing at you
Like a bug bite that you want to scratch
Except it’s not on your skin
It’s nowhere that you can locate
Somewhere within
Maybe the muscle,
Or the bone,
Or the capillaries,
Or the heart
You don’t know
Yet it’s there for sure

And as time passes
It takes over your entire being
Your muscle
Your bone
Your capillaries
Your heart
It’s a growing frustration
No matter how hard you try
You cannot ignore

But neither can you scratch
No matter how hard you try
You cannot reach
You try and put your finger on it
Yet it evades you even more

Or maybe you don’t want to reach it
Maybe you don’t want to scratch that evasive place
Maybe you don’t want to awaken the source of your anger
Because once you
Reach it
Catch it
Know it
You can no longer ignore it

You can no longer go on pretending
Pretending that everything is fine
That you are fine
That you aren’t bothered by that thing
That it doesn’t unsettle you
That it doesn’t plague your every thought
That it doesn’t dictate your every move
That it doesn’t allow you to be yourself
That all you want to do is scratch
Yet fear that which it may unleash

Because that would mean
Admitting that it matters
When it should not matter
Admitting that it hurts
When there is no reason to hurt
Admitting that you cannot stop
When all you want to do is stop

And admitting is hardly a cure
It will not take away the hurt
The anger
The frustration
The disgruntlement
The gnawing
The itch

So you continue pretending

Hoping that it will go away on its own
Knowing that it probably won’t

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Loved it. Just that I hope it's fiction. Knowing, that it probably isn't.
