
Thursday, January 21, 2016


I dream of a world
Where I could walk down the road
Any road
At any time
And feel no fear

Meet the eyes of others
Randomly passing by
A smile on our lips
And trust in our eyes

I dream of a world
Where I didn’t hesitate
To help those who ask for it
Where I could roll down the window
Stop my car
Offer some money
Give a ride to a stranger
And not wonder
The entire time
Whether I’m the one
Being taken for a ride.

I dream of a world
Where I can travel by bus
The only woman on it
The only man on it
And not fear
Fear for my safety
Fear for my life
A world where every other person
Is just another passenger.

I dream of a world
Where strangers aren’t feared
Where people aren’t doubted
Where gazes aren’t avoided
A world where trust isn’t naivety
Or something to strive towards
But rather
A world
Where trust is.
Just is.


I've shared this quote before, but it's something that keeps coming back to me again and again.

"...teach them not to fear. Fear is good in small amounts, but when it is a constant, pounding companion, it cuts away at who you are and makes it hard to do what you know is right." 

- Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini