
Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekend in NY

Going to New York City by myself was the most amazing experience ever!!!

I wish I could say that. Because really, considering the amount of time I spent fretting about that weekend, and booking tickets and convincing parents, I really did think it would be an extremely exciting weekend.

Not that it wasn't good. The twelve-hour bus-ride (one way) did wonders for my bottom; the tiny hotel was great when it wasn't freezing; and the incessant rain really made Times Square look so much more appealing.

Actually, I'm not really in a position to complain. The bus ride was pretty decent; the hotel was quite amazing considering it's price and location; and I've never really been a big fan of Times Square anyways.

The trip was fine.

But I think that's what's unnerving about the whole trip - it was fine. Not great, not amazing, but fine. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. And while I'm relieved on one end, part of me is a little disappointed.

I mean, this was New York. This was my first time staying alone in a brand new city. "Fine" wasn't exactly the word I would have expected when describing it.

Maybe I really should move to Mumbai and try living by myself. "Fine" will definitely take on a whole new meaning then.